
Moral Courage



Tour Diary



Amélie Nahimana between Valérie Mpawenimana and Evariste Makangira. Kinama, April 2006
"One night we heard him crying out for help. We immediately got out of the house to find where the screams were coming from. We discovered people who came in with machetes and hoes to kill him."
Amélie Nahimana and Anicet Nizigiyimana
Amélie saved Anicet's father, Marcien, during the crisis. Amélie was honoured during a performance in Kinama in April 2006, when this interview took place.

Amélie: In our quarter were living many Hutu and some Tutsi. After the Hutu heard that the president Ndadaye Melchior had been killed, they began terrorising and torturing the Tutsi who were living in that commune. The tried to chase the Tutsi out so as to occupy the whole commune themselves.Some of the Tutsi fled and only the ones who were not able to flee have been terrorised as they were met in their houses. I had been living with the Tutsi harmoniously, and because of love I had to every human being, I happened to save one Tutsi called Marcien Makoro. I am here with his son because Marcien is already dead. He died later, not during the crisis.

This is what happened. Marcien was living alone. Some of his children were working in the countryside and the others were at school.

Anicet: I was not around, I was in the countryside at the time.

Amélie: At that time Marcien was alone in the house and we were his neighbors.

One night we heard him shouting for help. We immediately got out of the house to find where the shouts were coming from. They were three young men. They had machetes and hoes to kill him and had already demolished the door of his house. They were about to kill him. They were shouting that they were looking for Tutsi. They knew that old man was living there for many years and that he was a Tutsi. They broke into his home while was already asleep. That is when we heard his call for help.

© Burundi Voices Project, 2006.