
Paul Bandiyimisi ran a bar when 35 Tutsi fleeing massacres in their village showed up.
Paul and his family took care of them, hid them and fought off people determined to kill them. Read more...
When Tutsi were being hunted like animals for slaughter in the market where they were working, Anne Marie Nzeyimana turned to Georgette Mahwera in desperation. Thus began their remarkable odyssey of survival. Read more...
When she saw the mob outside Jean Marie Ntiyikurakubagenzi's home threatening to burn it and his family with it, Valérie Mpawenimana rushed to hide him and his children and later helped them escape. Read more...
Juvénal Nizigama was riding his bike when he came by a group who had captured a Tutsi boy and were preparing to kill him. He intervened and saved him though he was severely beaten up by the group. Read more...
Shirtless and shoeless, Patrice Ciza was running for his life, pursued by killers. Pierre Nyambere hid him in his home and later took him on his bike to safety in army barracks. Read more...
A group of killers came to the home of Isaac Kubwimana demanding to take Tutsi relatives and friends away. Through guile, cunning and bribery he was able to save them. Later, these he had saved rescued him. Read more...
When killers threatened to burn Nicodème Ntahomvukiye and his family alive, Léonie Barakomeza literally shouted them away. On another occasion she saved Françoise Minami and her children. Read more...
Cyprienne Ntaconzobimanitandekuye intervened to save the life of Joseph Nahimana, whose grave was being dug up in front of him. On another occasion, she rescued Pascal Ndenzako and another man and escorted them to safety. Read more...
They had already broken down the door to Marcien Makoro's house. They were armed with machetes and hoes and were ready to kill him. Marcien cried for help. His neighbour, Amélie Nahimana, came to the rescue. Read more...
Rogatien Bazirinyakamwe found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Exercising her influence as the former school teacher of the men who planned to kill him, Ancilla was able to persuade them to free him. Read more...
when Yvonne Ryakiye heard of plans to kill Pélagie Hagabimana's children while their mother was in the market, she hid them in her home. She also rescued their mother and another Tutsi woman. Read more...
Pierre, a young Hutu, was about to be killed when Rose Sindayigaya whispered to him to make a run for her house. She hid him there and helped him get away. Read more...
Joseph Sindimwo collapsed in front of the door to the house of Evariste Makangira. He was badly injured. Evariste rescued him and fought off killers who came back to get him. Paul Ntiranyibagira was rescued in similar circumstances. Read more...
When killers came to kill Tharcisse Bagumako and his family, Pauline Nahimana stood in the road to stop them. She helped the mother and children escape, and did not betray Tharcisse, whom she was hiding to the killers who threatened her. Read more...
Though ill at the time, Evariste Bindariye used a cane to walk to another hill where Jacqueline Nkurikiye and her family were hiding. Had he not rescued them, they would have been killed that evening. Read more...
Caritas Mbunduguru and her four children were the only survivors of their family's massacre. When they reached the home of Pascal Gahungu and his wife they were desperate. He fed them and helped them escape to safety. Read more...
When the army started avenging massacres of Tutsi by killing Hutu, Maman Nestor would drive around in her small car, picking up whole families and taking them to safety at the archdiocese of Gitega. This is how Rose and Nelson Nsabimana were saved. Read more...
Pamphile Ndarugirire went to the local administrator to seek his help in saving 38 Tutsi he was hiding. Instead of help, killers arrived. Pamphile had to turn to Jean Marie Ndayishikaniye, a Tutsi, to rescue him. Read more...