Yvonne Ryakiye |
"Yvonne heard people saying, 'Pélagie is usually away in Gitaza and her husband is not there. Let's go and cut her children in pieces!' When she heard about that, she said, 'Oh! I know those children!'"
Yvonne Ryakiye and Pélagie Hagabimana Yvonne saved Pélagie and her children and an old woman called Marie during the crisis. Yvonne was honoured during a performance in Kinama in April 2006, when this interview took place.
Yvonne: I live in Busoro in Kanyosha Commune. I used to sell cassava roots at the market in Musaga.
Pélagie: We lived in the same neighbourhood. We used to greet each other, though we didn't visit each other much. I used to spend most of my time working in the market in Gitaza. I had not much time to stay at home. Sometimes I would get her things she needed from Gitaza.
Yvonne: One day, when I arrived to the Musaga market, Ancilla, a Tutsi woman whom I did not know back then, told me, "Woman, the situation is getting worse and worse here. Its going to be bad for the Hutu here. You are best to leave your things and go back home." I accepted her advice and I went back to Busoro.
Pélagie: Some people informed Yvonne about attacks that were being planned against Tutsi in Kanyosha. That is why she also advised them to leave that area.
Yvonne: I warned the Tutsi that it was dangerous for them to stay and that they should consider leaving. Most Tutsi heeded my advice and left the area.
Pélagie: I thank God because He used Yvonne to warn my relatives to flee the area early.
Yvonne: As soon as the Tutsi left their homes, the Hutu began destroying them. But they also began destroying the houses of Tutsi who still remained there.
Pélagie: So the Hutu were already massed in all corners, even in the Tutsi areas. Yvonne heard people saying, "Pélagie is usually away in Gitaza and her husband is not there. Let's go and cut her children in pieces!" When she heard about that, she said, "Oh! I know those children!"