
Moral Courage



Tour Diary


"'Let's talk first,' she told them, 'I know this person. I am sure he did not kill any Tutsi. After all we know each other.' she added. 'Why don't you take this money, go and share some beer and release him to me.'"
Ancilla and Rogatien Bazirinyakamwe (Continued.)

"Let's talk first," she told them, "I know this person. I am sure he did not kill any Tutsi. After all we know each other." she added. "Why don't you take this money, go and share some beer and release him to me." She implored them to let me go. By then I had lost consciousness. She took me to her home. The times were dangerous. I stayed in Ancilla's home.

I am very grateful to her because my being a Hutu did not stop her from saving me. As she mentioned, her relatives had been killed, not one was saved. This did not faze her. She acted like a wise parent, like a person who loves people. If she had claimed that she did not know me, I would have been killed.

I am a happy man. She will only be properly repaid by God. She is still a good friend to me, like a part of my family. Currently I live in Muhuta Commune. I sometimes come to visit them. I bring for them whatever they need. I would like other to take the example of people like Ancilla. To be good to everyone, to have a heart full of tolerance and love. When I see Ancilla, I feel very happy. When she asks me to attend the heroes meetings, I feel very happy and I even abandon all what I have planned to do just to be with her.

Ancilla: That action honored me because I saved him from danger. It was like he was already dead. I feel very happy to see him. We are good friends. He visits us. When there is anything I cannot get here, I ask him to bring it from Muhuta, where he currently lives. He told other Hutu what I did for him, that he is still alive due to me. When I go there, people welcome me with much honor.

Q: Why did you risk your life by saving him?
Ancilla: I saved him because I saw there was no reason of killing him. They claimed that he had killed the Tutsi, but that was not true. I saved him because he is a person like me. I thought saving him would honour me.

Q: After you have saved him how were you treated by the other Tutsi?
Ancilla: After I save him, my neighbors, especially the young men, did not trust me anymore. But for I had no time for them. It did not bother me. What was important was to save him. They did not even utter a word about the way I behaved that day.

© Burundi Voices Project, 2006.